Newest OPE Journal features TINKER
The TINKER project is introducing innovative solutions for the automotive industry, with the aim to revolutionize manufacturing of radar and lidar sensors. The consortium partners are key players in the industry and after 18 months of research, their first results are featured in the newest issue of the OPE journal.
The OPE journal is a globally circulated magazine for the organic and printed electronics industry. In the first issue of 2022 the focus topics are “Mobility & Smart Living”. Additive manufacturing and printed electronics’ applications have been in the centre of attention of car manufacturers and suppliers for a long time now, but the latest concepts have been even more disruptive for the industry.
The OPE Journal recognised the high impact potential of the TINKER project and featured it in its newest issue dedicated to key topics of the printed electronics industry, with a special focus on sustainability.
Discover the latest results of the project and what the partners see as its greatest benefits and potential for future industrial applications here. You can also download the latest deliverables and publications here.